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Well, you may know Kundasang as one of the tourist attractions in Sabah due to the majestic Kinabalu view, cool climate, vegetable and many more. That's is not my concern now, my point here to be shared is the physical problem of Kundasang. I'm not saying that Kundasang is in serious danger, its only a small things that we may need to think about. Of course this may already in the attention by the authority too, so this is just a word by the small like me. I'm not an expert in geology nor environmental, but just a concern citizen of Kundasang.

I read about "Six Kundasang landslide complexes identified" and "Kundasang's cracking up" in the dailyexpress news (via Mineral and Geoscience Department web) and its dated 2004 and 2005 respectively. Research has been done about the stability of the region. Just to quote some important part in these two articles:

Kundasang, once a small village in the foothill of Mount Kinabalu has come into the limelight because of its rapid development in the agricultural and tourism industry as well as its various land and slope stability problems.
Its hilly setting, mild climate and spectacular views of Mount Kinabalu had contributed much to the removal of its natural vegetation in that agriculture and other infrastructure development such as hill resorts and holiday homes have been creeping in.
He (Yunus Mohd Razak) hoped that the outcome of this seminar will guide the local authorities in reviewing the development projects, the town planners in land use zoning and the architects and engineers in preparing the layout of buildings, designing the foundation system and deciding on the most appropriate type and method of construction.
But in Kundasang, because the area relatively does not have steep slopes, that is only about 10 to 15 degrees, the movement is relatively slow. From time to time, at certain specific areas, it will move relatively fast that is maybe two to three kilometres per hour.
"We will identify areas which are of high risk in terms of fast movement. Because of the nature of landslides, Kundasang can still be developed, but merely for agricultural purpose. If you want to develop for infrastructure, you have to really look at areas which are moderately of low risk in terms of potential damages," he said.

--"Six Kundasang landslide complexes identified"
and this is really impotant to get local people to be involved on what happen and how they can benefit from the research.
And in the near future, just before we complete this research, we are planning to hold a seminar or get together with the local people and try to develop a certain procedure where the people can get involved.

Now this is in 2004, then how about recent measurements? I can see that the road to Kundasang shops/war memorial (from the junction), there is an evidence that within this period (up to 2009) it is clear that there is a movement, at least in this part of Kundasang.

(Image taken from Daily Express)

One another things that I don' really understand is the heavily affected SMK Kundasang (my previous school), where cracks at the teachers' quaters and some parts of the school are really visible since 2004 or earlier than that. Believe it or not the building (teachers' quaters) is still there although no more occupants. I think that must be due to research purpose, leave that building until collapse? in between that to happen, take a measurement, may be?

Are we waiting for the major collapse of those buildings or even the entire school? WHY not move the school to other place? It is not safe anymore.. but I know the sentiment of the people who don't want a new school far from Kundasang, but look at Ranau and SMK Agama Lohan.. what is the different? Please people of Kundasang, are waiting for the total disaster and after that suffer from no school building until a few years?
Prof. Komo said he noticed hairline cracks had already emerged at the basement of the multi-storey SMK Kundasang Teachers' Quarters and that it was indicative of a much larger fissure in the earth beneath the concrete building.


"Before that, schools were built based on no geological studies. That resulted in some schools abandoned which to me is a waste," he said.

"Hopefully, the Government will set up a committee to monitor the situation and address the problem better," he said.
Any results yet from this urge by Prof. Komo? but SMK Kundasang is still there.. how much longer this school to stay despite the geological problem here?

and finally, I really interested and happy to see this:
"We shouldn't talk about town planning any more for Kundasang but country planning and to urgently start planting trees," he (Prof Ibrahim Komo) said.
-- "Kundasang's cracking up"
Resolutions from noob me:
  1. We hope government can find a quic solution to where to build new school location of Kundasang
  2. Government realizes the land use zoning at Kundasang so that specific usage of the land must be adhered.
  3. Tree plantation zone at Kundasang..
That's all, Thank you.


  1. typical chores in malaysia
    "sudah terhantuk, baru menggelabah ;-)" ..heh....heh...heh

    anyway, kundasang sabah is one of my fav. places in malaysia

  2. oh yea... klu ko nak make sure yg ur latest entri updated kat blog org lain... make sure ko tukar setting allow blog feedS kpd FULL

    check @ setting>site feed


  3. I'm from the Klang Valley. Wonder if it's safe for me to retire in the Kundasang.


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